Next-Generation Solutions for Bone Reconstruction: The Role of Evonik’s RESOMER® in BellaSeno’s 3D-Printed Scaffold Technology

The medical field is relentlessly pursuing innovative solutions to address critical-size large segmental bone defects, particularly those resulting from traumatic injuries [1].

Since 2019, Evonik and BellaSeno have worked together to commercialize 3D-printed, resorbable implants using Evonik’s next-generation RESOMER® biomaterials. Evonik is supporting BellaSeno with material selection and customized materials to create patient-specific, resorbable scaffolds.

This white paper details a landmark case at Hannover Medical School where a Patient specific scaffold manufactured by BellaSeno, leveraging Evonik’s RESOMER® biodegradable polymer platform, facilitated the successful reconstruction of a 14 cm segmental radius bone defect.

This white paper explores a cutting-edge 3D printing application of Evonik’s RESOMER® biomaterials in the reconstruction of a critical-size large segmental bone defect of a Ukraine war victim. A patient-specific, 3D-printed, resorbable scaffold was meticulously designed by BellaSeno and successfully applied clinically, demonstrating the transformative potential of next-generation biomaterials in enhancing patient outcomes in complex reconstructive surgeries.


This white paper explores a cutting-edge 3D printing application of Evonik’s RESOMER® biomaterials in the reconstruction of a critical-size large segmental bone defect of a Ukraine war victim. A patient-specific, 3D-printed, resorbable scaffold was meticulously designed by BellaSeno and successfully applied clinically, demonstrating the transformative potential of next-generation biomaterials in enhancing patient outcomes in complex reconstructive surgeries.

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